Friday, May 25, 2012

working in the weed patch

weeding the strawberries

been trying to be in the garden more lately, but it seems to have taken the proverbial spot on the back burner with everything else going on this week.  on Monday I dug out over 200 thistles that had grown in, and after the deluge of rain we had, I can't wait to see what other weeds have congregated the bare patch that is our garden.

we have a plot out at the community garden; at the group meeting about a month ago it was addressed that some gardens (i.e. mine and a few others, no names were said but oh man I felt the burn!) looked less than acceptable.  people were wondering if they should send a friendly (uh-huh) email/phone call to the offending gardener to get their act together, and I was quick to nix the idea.  in speaking up, I just vocalized that I have four--now three--part time jobs and a toddler and a wedding to plan, and I more than likely already know my garden looks like crap thankyouverymuch, and that I would welcome a call not as a reminder, but an offering for help (if someone was hellbent on calling me about my weed patch). got some support on that and I have noticed that when I've been out there, other gardeners stop by, help pull some weeds, and if nothing else talk to me for a while...sharing in community in garden! 

I had high hopes for canning and putting up more food this summer, but like with all my 'plans' I get hit with a shot of reality and am now recognizing that we'll probably do less than intended.  it still feels good to work out there, and we have a little list of what we'll be growing come the first week of June:
herbs: chives, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, mint (lots of mint, I love the stuff)
green beans
kale, chard, maybe spinach
peppers-green and banana

what do you have growing? and do you have time to come garden with me? :)

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