Monday, March 12, 2012

doings as of late

(and other adventures)

we've been busy.  stupid busy.  it cuts into my time with Lydia, wreaks havoc on the housework, and leaves little time to blog.  hoping to settle into a better spring routine soon.  we need our days to be better laid out, better planned, more consistency, more fluid motion through the week instead of living day to day via my planner.

what have we been so busy doing?
well, Lydia and I baked a wonderful vegan pumpkin bread when I had some time off of work.
every kid should get to lick the beater (no eggs in the batter!)

mmm warm buttery pumpkin goodness

enjoyed many a beautiful prairie sunrise on my way to work in the morning.  my, but these moments take my breath away.  I need to find a new camera on the Slayton Swap Spot later.  my phone just doesn't pick up the vivacious colors anymore at all.

we took a few walks out in this awesome weather! glad to be getting outside and stretching our legs again.  now for more of a springy diet.  less hotdish, more salad and roasted baby spring veggies, with lots of rice and couscous and quinoa. pretty soon I will be putting together our garden template in a garden journal I purchased on my latest run through Barnes&Noble.  this year we will have greens.  lots and lots of greens.  kale, chard, herbs, spinach.

little sweetie last spring, and now this spring. :) crazy how they grow.

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