Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving and the upcoming holidays

this Thanksgiving flew by, despite its later arrival in November.  we enjoyed a not-long-enough whirlwind trip to visit my dad and stepmom, and rounded out the weekend with the Live Nativity out at camp, the delicious Chapman Thanksgiving dinner, church, and house chores.

it was so nice to visit with my step-siblings and family up north. we had an amazing dinner prepared by Dad and Peggy...turkey, stuffing, roasted sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, salads...the list goes on, and then there were pies and homemade ice cream! the kids played well together and we did a fun winter craft project that I found on Pinterest and had to try:

it was so easy and fun! you will need:
painter's tape
watercolor paper
watercolor paints (do yourself a favor and cut out the blues and purples to give to the kids, otherwise it will come out a brown mess ;) )
[hindnote: I wish I would have wet the watercolor paper first so the colors blended better, but as long as the kids got their brushes nice and wet it seemed to transfer over fine]
--rip the painter's tape into varied lengths and sizes to make the silhouette of a tree
--have the kids paint over the tree and all over the paper
--as they paint, sprinkle salt (sea salt or Morton's works fine) liberally over where they've painted.  the salt will suck up the color and create beautiful textures and white patches that look like snow crystals!
--when finished, lay paper on a smooth surface to dry, preferably overnight but a hair dryer works too ;)
--peel off the painter's tape when paintings are completely dry and voila! winter artwork!

December will be a busy, busy month. between work, marriage, starting school again (yep, announced that I was going back to grad school and found out a week later we were pregnant), Lydia's shenanigans, pets, house stuff, and family/friends, I find myself torn in so many directions! hoping to find light where it shines most--in our hearts, remembering why we're celebrating, and trying to put into perspective the purpose of our time and energy spent in the holiday season.

stay classy, sweet lydia!! :)

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